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Friday, March 12, 2010

STUDZ! It is what it is.....

Studz! Butch!Dyke! It is what it is. However in most cases being what a stud is labeled as and whom a stud woman really is, has a different demeanor than what is presented. One may automatically points out a lesbian whom identifies as a stud based on outward appearance. Quite frequently stud women get mistaken for men only because people overlook them because of their dress and characteristics. For a little f.y.i. it is a common mistake disrespectful mistake. Even though a lesbian whom claim masculine characteristics, do not necessarily wish to be called "sir" . There is a definite want of respect from society by stud women to accept the choice of dress and attitude based on masculine characteristics. Stud attitudes and characteristics spring from many diffirent places. Some stud women are naturally prone to masculine characteristics because their testosterone levels are higher. Some studz were brought up into a family where the majority of men were present , had gravitated more to the males in her family and ascertained masculine personalities because of the masculine presence. Some studz have either been physically,verbally or mentally abused and adapted the masculine identity as a form of protection. Whatever reason that a stud woman is who she is, they are all proud, strong, warrior women. However and whichever way one looks at it ,studz come in all types all shapes and all forms but what the basic wants and needs of a stud is a matter of respect and understanding of their choice to be masculine and the freedom to just be, either from society, people within the community and most of all from their partner. And isnt that what everyone wants?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

what a femme wants

What a femme wants
So many different things cross my mind about this questions.

I have been with some really stand up women financially stable, fun loving, honest, hard working, intelligent great sex having women. I have yet to find one women with all that but hey maybe I'm looking in the wrong place..
Lets start with the basics like self respect that’s always a necessity .

Then how about respect for others (especially me)
and Honesty
These three things are wanted by all women in my opinion.
So on to the good stuff. We want confidence in our mate . Looks are not as big as people think its all about swag and swag comes from confidence. Femmes want to feel stable. In whatever role a mate takes on a femme wants to know she can hold that role down. LEZ B US is going to talk about the subject WHAT A FEMME WANTS. tues 3/4 10pm if its after check out the show right here on our page comments plz

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Why do gay fall in love with straight people

I haven’t had the joy of being a girls first experience.
But I hear it’s a very magical moment.
I purposely stay away from straight women, bi women and newbies. (women that are just realizing/accepting there sexuality) there a few politically correct reasons I can give you as to why but the truth is I JUST DON’T WANT THE DRAMA. I know I shouldn’t assume there’s going to be drama but when I weight the possibility the drama side comes up heavy. I have been out of the closet for a long time and I seen a lot of people come out, and it never fails that they have fallen in love with there first. I have actually never seen a newbie NOT fall DEEPLY in love with there 1st im not saying that’s a bad thing but it brings out that googly high school feeling and sometime that overwhelms the senses even common senses and that’s scary to me. On a lot of different levels. Then theres the straight girl looking for the “time of her life” this type of chick is the most annoying to me a lot of the time she believes I want her, it doesn’t matter what she looks like or if im involved with someone else only that she has seen a girl on girl sence in some pron and she thinks I can do that to her…or even more crazy that I want to do that to her… This pisses me off just cause im a lesbo don’t mean I want to fuck every girl in the world…as-a-matter-of-fact there are very few girls in the world I want to fuck and none of them are straight. That brings us to the beloved bi-girl which I am somewhat open to, the only issue there is love, there’s a fear that she wants a man For those of you that don’t know im not just referring to a penis I mean she wants a “MAN’ the attitude the mentality and the love of a male…I don’t have any of that I never have and I never will and I never want to. So Im left with insecurities and trust issues form the beginning, that’s not a feeling I like so I keep away. Im not saying this is the case for all. And that brings me to my next question why do so many gay women fall in love with straight women. I honestly have never really been attracted to a straight woman maybe its because I have seen some serious heart break when it comes to dating straight girls, but then again I have seen heart break in all kinds of relationships.
So on LEZ B US we will be discussing gays falling in love with straight people. Tonight
live 10pm join US you can listen from your phone.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

the sexual revolution

The sexual revolution began in the 60’s like so many protest against conformity.
It was a time after great leaders taught us what unity can do and how freedom must be fought for. All people were effected by this chain that held the conservative status quo in place, the chains were loosened and the sexual revolution was started. This freedom brought homosexuality out closet and into the forefront and millions were freed . Studies into the psych also greatly influenced the revolution giving scientific proof including statistics giving much needed validation that these feelings or urges were not illnesses or even isolated. Some still depend on these studies for sanity and proof that they are not alone. We came out and we began to unite and for the first time we were prideful.. In 1969 we had stonewall and from there we still push forward along with so many liberations ignited by the idea of freedom and equality..
Check out Michelle and Nikki sexual revolution…

what to do

whats up ladies and gents sunday 11 am show will be all about explaining our up coming shows we will be introducing segments with in the show.... if you have any topics you would like US to talk about give us comment or hit up

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sunday, February 14, 2010

prop 8

In California’s gay community prop 8 is a well known issue.

About a year ago the state voted on a bill outlawing same sex marriage,the bill would be added the California's Constitution, surprisingly passed with a small 300,000 lead.
At this time there’s a trial going on Perry vs. Schwarzenegger
The case argues that a bill outlawing same sex marriage is in fact unconstitutional. The bill violates the 14th amendment which protects against any segregation and also provides all citizens are entitled to the same rights. The case against prop 8 gives many economical, psychological and social reasons that prop 8 is “bad” for the nation. The most important thing is really that this is a direct violation of civil rights, not allowing me or any person the same rights that there fellow American have is a violation of civil rights. It seems this fact is hardest to prove to straight people. It comes down to proving that being gay is not a choice ( not that I think it should matter ) but at this point proving that gayness is a minority is high on the list. Here is some sites to keep you updated on information about the prop 8. Tell us what you think..



Prop 8 tracker




What’s up, future listens
There is so much going on in the LGbT community . Lez B Us is a show that addresses current events in the lesbain and community as well as trends, love, and life as a gay person . Listen to Michelle And Nikki on Blog Talk Radio'>on Blog Talk RadioListen to Michelle And Nikki on Blog Talk Radio'>Join us live Tuesday and Thursday 9pm and Sunday mornings 11 am. Theres a chat room your also able to call in and participate in the convo
…. Heres is so shows we have done